Jazz is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker specialising in developmental trauma supporting children of all ages and their families.
A registered advanced/specialist behaviour support practitioner, specialising in developmental trauma.
Jazz has worked in both the private and public mental health sectors since graduating from Griffith University in 2013 with a degree in Social Work.
A clinical social worker registered with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) and having mental Health Accreditation allows provided therapeutic services to be claimed through Medicare. Jazz has been providing clinical behavioural support for children and young people, their families and carers within the Out Of Home Care space for over 6 years.
Jazz is active and loves the outdoors, being a keen surfer and lover of all water sports. Incorporating this love of adventure and nature is permeated throughout her services whenever possible.

Lisa is our talented behaviour support practitioner who has vast experience working in the Out Of Home Care, residential support and the child protection space.
Lisa has degree in Social science and is currently working towards her Masters in Social Work, and also has a Diploma in Piano performance from ABRSM (Associated Board Royal School of Music) and has worked as a piano teacher privately as well as in schools, she is also a trained facilitator in numerous parenting programs including ‘circle of security’.
Lisa’s interests and talents expand across multiple areas, including IT (with a diploma in programming), is a keen swimmer and a talented tennis and pickle ball competitor and of course loves music and playing the piano.
Lisa is a compassionate skilled worker whose enthusiasm for life effortlessly helps others reconnect with their own interests and passions, while supporting participants and their families through any challenges they are experiencing.